Level 1 Header Mobilität

New drive technologies, new fuels and transportation solutions: Tomorrow's mobility is cross-linked, resource-saving, efficient - and an opportunity for mechanical engineering. Since with adapted business models and technologies, companies in Germany can successfully shape the change in drive systems and generate additional value.

Themenfeldgrafik Mobilität

From our content

From our content
Vehicle Electrification and Transformation of the Industry

The third edition of the study series deals with the electrification of the powertrain and its impact on the industry.

Looking for a suitable wireless solution? WCG offers selection help

VDMA WCM presents the Wireless Communications Guide (WCG) at the Hannover Messe. The WCG proves to be a practical tool for selecting industrial wireless technologies.

Reality check for EU hydrogen policy!

In a joint statement, 17 organizations call for a reality check of the European hydrogen policy

Modern fertilizer and crop protection technology Lower emissions, sustainable

Crops need nutrients and must be protected from pests. Innovative agricultural machinery and efficient fertilizers and pesticides ensure that this is achieved in a climate-friendly way.

EU regulation on road safety published

The Regulation on type-approval and market surveillance of non-road mobile machinery (EU) 2025/14 was published in the Official Journal on January 8, 2025 and enters into force on January 28, 2025.

Politicians must step up the pace - for diesel fuel alternatives

The agricultural machinery industry is focusing on climate-friendly diesel fuel alternatives in order to sustainably minimize exhaust emissions in agriculture.

Focus on competitiveness and innovation

New VDMA Battery Production Executive Board aims to consolidate Europe's position in mechanical and plant engineering.

From Production to Application: The #P2X Conference

"From Production to Application: The #P2X Conference" is dedicated to practical, technical challenges along the entire value chain of hydrogen and downstream products. The conference has now taken place for the 3rd time.

Advancing automation and digitalization at sea

AMT was founded as a new working group within the VDMA in November 2024. Its Managing Director Daniel Erdmann explains the background in an interview.

Automating and digitizing shipping

VDMA AMT - Advanced Maritime Technology Platform is the new network for automation and digitalization in maritime shipping.

VDMA founds Platform for Advanced Maritime Technology (AMT) to drive a

VDMA AMT – Advanced Maritime Technology Platform is the network for automation and digitalization in maritime shipping.

Designing Co2 emission standards open to all technologies

24 associations are now calling for an early, technology-neutral revision of the regulations for CO2 emission standards.

VDMA EB 6924X Plant Requirements matrix for H2 & Derivatives DE + EU

At an initial public meeting on 3.9.2024 at the VDMA in Frankfurt, almost 50 experts specified the aim and focus of the project and defined working groups. Initial results will be discussed on 8.11.2024. (Update no. 2)

"Made in Germany" solutions for battery production

Impressive German Pavilion with more than 50 exhibitors at the Battery Show North America 2024 in Detroit

Challenges and opportunities for the North American market

A supplement to the "Battery Production 2030" study by VDMA and Porsche Consulting takes a look at the future of battery cell production in North America.

BMBF cuts the basis of the research and innovation pipeline Battery

Industry associations warn of the loss of battery technology of the future

The future of the battery

Batteries are of immense importance for the success of our sustainability efforts, especially the electrification of the transport sector. However, in order not to miss the boat in this key technology, we need to step up our efforts now.

"Expansion of state research funding instead of scrappage scheme"

Tax money for the scrappage scheme is not being put to good use. It would be better to use it at the beginning of the value chain in production research. This would benefit jobs and technologies.

Slight increase in approval for hydrogen use

The assessment of the hydrogen ramp-up among German market participants has risen slightly compared to 2023. At the same time, the survey clearly shows that the actual ramp-up is threatening to stall.

Analysis: PIK study on successful climate protection measures

Under the leadership of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, 1500 policies worldwide were examined for their success in reducing emissions. The results point to possible best-practice approaches for future climate protection.

Goal: climate-neutral flying

Greenhouse gas emissions must also be reduced rapidly in the aviation sector. The SAF working group with over 70 stakeholders has presented a paper on the market ramp-up of SAF.

"Federal funding for industry and climate protection" promotes decarbonization

The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) published the new funding guideline "Federal Funding for Industry and Climate Protection (BIK)" on August 23.

Harmonized EU type-approval law for type approval takes priority

When it comes to issuing an operating permit (ABE or individual approval), the harmonized EU type approval law will generally apply to mechanical engineering from 1 November 2024.

New manufacturer directory engines and systems

The “Engines and Systems” directory provides a quick overview of who supplies what.

Interface standardization - the global language of production

Standardized interfaces and flexible production concepts are essential for battery production and Industry 4.0. The VDMA and VDA are promoting this through a Joint Working Group.

Battery technology in focus: fall highlights 2024

Exclusive opportunities for VDMA members to take part in conferences

German machine tool manufacturers now have much broader base

Engineering sector now biggest customer for first time: Last year, the German machine tool industry supplied around 27 percent of its production to the automotive industry and its suppliers.

Hydrogen demand in Germany on the rise

In 2023, the National Hydrogen Council (NWR) published an initial hydrogen demand analysis, which the body has recently revised.

"There is no concrete roadmap for the future"

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy's hydrogen import strategy falls short of expectations. The analysis of the current situation is correct, but concrete new measures and milestones are missing.

For more industrial climate protection: driving forward carbon management

CO2 reduction is on everyone's lips. But many industrial processes will continue to emit significant amounts of it in the short term. However, with forward-looking carbon management (CCM), we can make use of this raw material.

The AK Classification

The VDMA's Classification Working Group discusses topics relating to ship classification.

Digital requirements in the food and packaging industry

In February 2024, more than 50 machine manufacturers, suppliers and representatives of the food and packaging industry met for a groundbreaking workshop on digitalization. Advanced workshops. Erfa intro: Lecture language is German.

Understanding CO2 markets - Facts & Figures (update 2)

In this article we want to inform you at irregular intervals about important developments in the CO2/CO market on carbon capture, transportation, storage, CCUS.

Focus on the future

Research secures value creation and jobs in Germany and Europe. Politicians must create innovation-friendly framework conditions. Openness to technology is essential.

Associations call for reliable battery research funding

The German ecosystem for large-scale production of large-format battery cells is still being established. Research funding is enormously important for this. Cutting it will damage the desired competitiveness.

Study analysis on future CO2 networks in Europe

The Joint Research Center of the European Commission has compared several possible development scenarios for an emerging CO2 transport network in Europe to identify positive and negative factors.

Simplifying automation with mobile robots

The IFL recently launched a research project called M2X, which aims to develop an interface specification for automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and their environment.

Fuel cell industry guide Germany 2024

Development of the value chain picks up speed

Talk&Share | Autonomous mobile robots as a new trend on the market

Autonomous mobile robots (AMR) are a new category of robots that are expanding the range of applications for robotics and will also play a key role on the road to the fully networked factory ("smart factory").

Talk&Share | Explosion protection for wireless

In an era characterized by advanced wireless communication technologies, the mechanical engineering industry faces the challenge of integrating not only innovative solutions, but also safety in potentially explosive environments.

Carbon Management 2035 - Scenario study volume IX

The ninth future study examines the role of carbon management as the key to achieving climate targets. It outlines opportunities and hurdles for industry and society and presents four future scenarios for 2035 and beyond.

"Q&A implementation of hydrogen delegated acts"

The Directorate-General for Energy (ENER) has published a new version of the "Q&A implementation of hydrogen delegated acts".

Talk & Share: Interactive wireless communication in mechanical engineering

Under the motto "Talk&Share", AG WCM offers a practical format for the use of wireless data transmission technologies in mechanical engineering.

Unique opportunity for Europe's mechanical engineering industry

The demand for gigafactories for battery production will grow enormously. This offers great potential for the European mechanical and plant engineering industry. A study by Porsche Consulting and VDMA sheds light on the details.

Agreement on CO₂ emission limits

EU agrees on lower CO₂ emission limits for heavy commercial vehicles. Exceptions apply for mobile cranes, among others.

Innovation competition "NeueWege.IN.NRW"

Submission deadline for the second round of the innovation competition "NeueWege.IN.NRW - Innovative Mobility and Logistics" funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is April 30, 2024

P2X4A downloads at a glance

To make searching easier, we have listed important downloads from the Power-to-X for Applications area here. Is something missing? Please let us know!

Nigeria: Facts & Figures Oil & Gas, Biomass, H2 (2023)

Here you will find a VDMA assessment of the market for process technology suppliers with a focus on oil & gas, LNG, biomass and H2 applications as well as information sources.

Technology and Research Day

Machinery regulations, research, digitalisation, standardisation - these are all highly relevant topics for the construction machinery sector.

Mobile robotics: Recommendations for signaling

Standardized and comprehensible signals can increase safety and acceptance when people encounter mobile robots and automated vehicles. A proposal for standardized signalling is now available for the first time.

VDMA Magazin Article Teaser Mobilität

From the otto engine to Deutz 4.0
The engine manufacturer Deutz has been headquartered in Cologne for 160 years and is now represented all over the world. At the company premises in Ottostraße 1, work on alternative drives is in full swing - parallel to the diesel engine.

Our expert and focus topics

Our expert and focus topics
Digitization alone cannot solve key challenges such as climate protection and resource scarcity. The biologization of industry offers another dimension to Industry 4.0 and a perspective on the future of production. Mechanical engineering plays a key role in this and offers a huge toolbox for biological processes and mechanisms. VDMA focus topic deals with technological solutions for transferring and integrating biology into the world of industrial application.
Electromobility, fuel cells, Power2X - The change in mobility is multi-layered and in the future there will not be just one type of drive on the market. This poses new challenges for the entire industry.
Fuel cell innovation cluster
The innovation cluster for large-scale production of fuel cell stacks (GO-Start BZ) is to support the potentials of an industrialization of stack production in Germany.
Fuel cell
Fuel cells play a central role in CO2-neutral energy supply and are part of national hydrogen strategies.
Competitiveness for Europe and Germany
The VDMA is calling for good framework conditions for the mechanical engineering industry to ensure competitiveness. Technological sovereignty and European cooperation are crucial for innovation and independence.
Modern intralogistics systems enable reliable and flexible production supply and efficient processes in the warehouse. Through increasing automation and digitalization, the systems are becoming more intelligent and will be able to optimize themselves in the future.
Commercial drone applications are also gaining importance in mechanical and plant engineering as well as adjacent B2B customer industries.

Level 1 Themenwolke


To the point

To the point

Auf den Punkt Zitat - Mobility

"By refusing to invest, the EU is hindering investment and preventing carbon-neutral 'green molecules' from reaching Europe in the foreseeable future."

Hartmut Rauen, VDMA Deputy Executive Director

Auf den Punkt Zahl - Mobility


billion euros

will be invested in battery production by 2025.

Source: VDMA Roadmap Batterieproduktionsmittel 2030, Update 2023

Auf den Punkt Zusammenfassung - Mobilität

Power-to-X (P2X) needs a robust strategy for the future
  • In order to be internationally compatible, German plant engineering must establish technological leadership in the field of P2X plants.
  • The foundation for this lies in a strong domestic market from which to further develop technologies and establish new value chains.
  • The Federal Government should work at the EU level to ensure that in future, the level of energy taxes will be determined by the CO2 intensity of the energy sources.



Tue. 18.02.25 Tue. 18.02.25

  • Vehicle Safety
  • Drive Components
  • Power Transmission Engineering
  • Congresses, conferences, information days
  • Mobile Machines
  • Artificial Intelligence

The symposium on safety and driver assistance for work machines will cover topics such as norms and standards, driver assistance, driverless systems, data management and tamper-proofing.

Places available

Wed. 19.02.25 Wed. 19.02.25

  • Energy Efficiency
  • Hybrid Propulsion
  • Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e.V.
  • Drive Components
  • Power Transmission Engineering
  • Congresses, conferences, information days

The focus is on electric, hydraulic and hybrid systems and machines. Discuss practical experience, current solutions and upcoming technology trends in the field of new energy sources and converters.

Places available

Tue. 25.11.25 Wed. 26.11.25

  • Power-to-X

The fourth edition of "From Production to Application: The #P2X Conference" will again focus on practical and technical challenges along the entire value chain of hydrogen and downstream products

Places available

Our services

Our services
Brochure: Lithium-ion battery systems in industrial trucks
This free brochure describes the use of lithium-ion technology for industrial trucks and outlines solutions for applying it safely within companies.
Fuel Cells Working Group
The VDMA Fuel Cells Working Group seeks to successfully establish fuel technologies in Germany and position them on global markets. The working group therefore represents the industry's political interests in Germany and increasingly also abroad.
Our motto is "Produce Future Mobility", and we are bundling the VDMA's diverse competences to prepare member companies for the future of mobility and to support them in their efforts to change.
Mobile Machinery Forum
The Mobile Machinery Forum (Mobima) promotes the exchange between OEMs and suppliers at a neutral association level. It facilitates the reconciliation of positions across sectors as well as the initiation of joint projects. Current information is available for download in the regularly published "Mobima Bulletin".
CO2 study by CECE and CEMA (English)
The agricultural and construction machinery industry has had an impressive track record of increasing energy efficiency over the last 50 years. The study "Optimizing our industry 2 reduce emissions" answers the question of how to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in particular CO2, in the coming years.
Working Group Machines in Construction MIC 4.0
The Machines in Construction MIC4.0 working group is defining the foundation for machine-to-X communication and developing legally compliant structures for collaboration in the use of machine and process data. All companies interested in the topic of digitalizing construction machinery can become members of the working group.
Working Group Power-to-X for Applications
The VDMA Working Group Power-to-X for Applications are the cross-industry information, communication and cooperation platform for the P2X community and involve stakeholders from development and production to the end user.
Working Group Industrial Drone Solutions
Unmanned flying robots offer numerous application possibilities in logistic and industrial environments. The VDMA Working Group Industrial Drone Solutions is the networking and decision-making platform for all industrial drone suppliers and interested parties.

Asset Publisher

VDMA partners

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Machines in Construction 4.0
Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e.V.

Ihr Kontakt


Benefits for you as a member

Largest industry network in Europe

3,600 primarily medium-sized member companies in the capital goods industry make the VDMA the largest industrial association in Europe and the most important network organization in the industry.

Strong representation of interests

The VDMA is the most important voice of the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry. It represents the common economic, technical and scientific interests of the industry in Germany and around the world.

A wide range of services

More than 500 VDMA employees worldwide support you with practical services to make the right decisions in your company - along the entire value chain.