
Tax law is as complicated and inscrutable as dense fog. Our team of experienced tax experts guides you through your tax issues and supports with practical information on the diverse and complex tax topics.

Themenfeldgrafik Steuern

Empfehlung Bundestagswahl Steuern

Federal Election 2025TIPP
The VDMA advocates for a reduction in the tax burden for both companies and citizens, including the abolition of the solidarity surcharge and a cap on corporate tax rates at 25 percent.

Aus unseren Inhalten

From our content

From our content
VDMA tax findings in spring 2024

The VDMA's regional associations have a long tradition of organizing tax events. We will be offering these events again in the first half of 2024. We give you a small preview of when and where!

Where do the parties stand on VDMA demands?

The VDMA has addressed extensive demands to politicians. What do the parties think? Our overview shows the extent to which the mechanical and plant engineering industry is taken into account in the programs for the federal election on February 23, 2025.

Courage for freedom - Tackle reforms!

The VDMA is calling for reliable framework conditions for growth and competitiveness in Germany in 2025. Together we can master the challenges of the future. You can find the details in the economic policy positions for 2025.

Reforming the tax system for the future

The VDMA calls for lower tax burdens, including the abolition of the solidarity surcharge and a corporate tax rate of a maximum of 25 percent.

EU reporting obligations - How to implement them in your company?

The implementation of reporting obligations for work assignments in Europe is a major challenge for many VDMA member companies.

Courage to ensure freedom! - Germany needs real reforms

2025 is the year in which Germany must set the course for growth and competitiveness. It needs more courage to ensure freedom and rapid political reforms.

Meal allowances for trips abroad from 01.01.2025

The Federal Ministry of Finance is adjusting the per diems and overnight allowances abroad in accordance with the Federal Travel Expenses Act as of January 1, 2025.

"Further measures needed to ease the burden on industry"

The Annual Tax Act 2024 is a constructive compromise. Now measures for industry must follow, such as improved declining balance depreciation.

"A PDF is not digitization!"

On the occasion of the adopted regulations on digital tax assessments, Dr. Johannes Gernandt, Head of the VDMA's Tax Department, explains:

"Relieve the economy now without ifs and buts"

The draft for the Tax Reform Act has both light and shade. The fact is: Germany needs relief for the economy. Now.

Discussion draft for minimum tax adjustment law

The Federal Ministry of Finance has published a discussion draft for a Minimum Tax Adjustment Act (MinStGAnpG). The main aim of the law is to make the application of the CbCR safe harbour more specific.

Italy: Deadline for transfer pricing documentation for the year 2023

The submission deadlines in Italy for tax returns for the 2023 assessment period have changed several times this year, currently to October 31, 2024.

Transfer pricing in Germany: from January 2025, shortened template will apply

With the DAC7 Implementation Act, shortened deadlines for the submission of records in accordance with Section 90 (3) AO (transfer pricing documentation) were already introduced at the end of December 2022 by means of a new Section 90 (4) AO.

Results of the BMF expert commission "Citizen-oriented income tax"

After a year of work, the commission of experts appointed by the Federal Ministry of Finance has presented its report on possible reform approaches in the area of income tax.

Results of the BMF expert commission "Simplified corporate tax

After a year of work, the commission of experts appointed by the Federal Ministry of Finance has presented its report on possible reform approaches in the area of corporate taxes.

Federal Cabinet adopts Tax Reform Act (SteFeG)

The federal government has passed the first tax measures announced in the growth initiative (we reported: https://www.vdma.org/viewer/-/v2article/render/108247752 ). At the same time, the measures of the

Government plans improvements to corporate tax law

On July 5, 2024, the coalition leaders agreed on key points for the 2025 budget and a growth initiative.

Presence-Erfa sales tax law

On June 12, 2024, the traditional VDMA Austria VAT experience exchange took place again at the Hotel Kremstalerhof in Leonding.

Transfer prices

Basics, design and documentation: With the "Transfer Pricing" seminar series, the Maschinenbau-Institut offers you practical tools to successfully complete your transfer pricing project.

News on the digital trade tax assessment notice

For almost a year now, taxpayers in Germany have been able to apply for a digital trade tax assessment directly via the ELSTER portal when submitting their trade tax return. A project that is constantly evolving.

(Wage) tax issues relating to Euro 2024

The joys of the European Championships are not only shared with family and friends, but also often with employees and business associates. This brings with it a number of tax issues.

Current case law on company events

"The Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) and the Federal Social Court (BSG) have once again dealt with aspects of the flat-rate taxation of company events. We would like to present two key rulings here."

Research tax allowance - take advantage of VDMA advice now

Market-oriented industrial research strengthens the innovation and competitiveness of our industry.

Growth Opportunities Act: New regulations in the AStG

German legislator increases the requirements for cross-border intra-group financing transactions in the Foreign Tax Act - A contribution by Carsten Schmid (Transfer Pricing & Friends GmbH)

Determination of residence

In the BMF circular dated 12.12.2023 on the tax treatment of wages under double taxation agreements, the explanations/examples for determining residency have been expanded.

VDMA Event Series: "Automation in the Control Department".

We are pleased to introduce our new event series "Automation in the Tax Department".

New GoBD 2024: Important changes and updates

The BMF updated the GoBD in its letter dated 11.03.2024. The changes are to be applied from April 1, 2024

The eInvoice is coming!

On March 22, the Federal Council approved the Growth Opportunities Act. This also includes a regulation on the use of electronic invoices. What does this mean for companies?

Growth Opportunities Act finally passed

On March 22, 2024, the Federal Council finally approved the Growth Opportunities Act. The significantly improved regulations for the research allowance in particular are an important first step towards a growth-friendly corporate tax law.

Electricity tax reduction as of 1.1.2024

The Budget Financing Act 2024 (Federal Law Gazette 2023 I No. 412 of 29.12.2023) extended the application-based electricity tax relief for companies in the manufacturing sector with effect from 1.1.2024.

Research allowance becomes a success story in mechanical engineering

A complete success: The mechanical engineering sector is the frontrunner in the use of the state research allowance. The funding instrument strengthens Germany's competitiveness as a business location.

DTA Overview 2024

Overview of double taxation treaties and income tax exemption for stays abroad (only in German).

BMF: Home office in Germany generally not a permanent establishment

The Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) has updated and clarified the application decree on the German Fiscal Code: Working from home does not generally constitute a permanent establishment of the employer.

BFH ruling on lump-sum taxation in accordance with Section 37b EStG for VIP boxes

In its ruling of 23.11.2023 (case reference: VI R 15/21), the Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) provided important information on lump-sum taxation in accordance with Section 37b EStG in connection with VIP boxes and the scope of their benefits.

Supply of excise goods - EMCS procedure

On February 13, 2023, new reporting obligations were introduced under the new Excise Duty System Directive for excise goods in free circulation that are delivered or received across EU borders.

Growth Opportunities Act - agreement in the Mediation Committee without the Union

Although the federal states reached an agreement on the Growth Opportunities Act at the meeting of the Mediation Committee on February 21, 24, this agreement was not supported by the CDU/CSU.

"Major adjustments must now be made"

Germany cannot afford a prolonged period of weak investment and growth. It now needs a major economic policy overhaul that will generate long-term confidence and thus new investment across the board.

"The refusal of some countries is unacceptable!"

The Growth Opportunities Act would benefit the entire economy and quickly have an innovative effect. It must therefore not be held hostage for party tactical and irrelevant reasons.

Tweeting from Brussels: Web seminar series launched

Attention all those interested in Europe! With our new web seminar series "EU Bubble talks - 30 minutes insights from Brussels", we take a look behind the scenes of European politics and take you with us.

Research allowance - secure funding!

The effort required to submit an application? Doable! Do you have questions? Then take advantage of our monthly online introduction and Q&A session on tax research funding.

No agreement on the Growth Opportunities Act this year

The mediation committee called by the Bundesrat will not meet again this year. Negotiations between the federal and state governments had previously failed in informal working groups

Non-monetary remuneration values for meals in 2024

The BMF has published the new non-cash benefit values for meals in a BMF letter.

News from the tax world

The event provided information on current tax issues and provided valuable information on key corporate tax topics as well as current tax projects of the German government.

"It must succeed on the second try!"

On the occasion of today's postponement of the cabinet decision on the Growth Opportunities Act, Dr. Ralph Wiechers, Member of the Executive Board and Head of the VDMA's Tax Department, explains:

New procedure for withholding taxes according to §§ 50, 50a EStG

The Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) is currently informing the associations about upcoming changes in the tax withholding procedure according to § 50a EStG.

Restriction of interest deduction

On July 17, 2023, the German Federal Ministry of Finance presented a draft bill of the so-called Growth Opportunities Act, which, among other things, provides for a new regulation of the deductibility of interest (as of January 1, 2024).

New EU Framework Agreement

In order to cope with the new world of work, a multilateral framework agreement will allow more flexible -deviating from the conflict of laws- regulations for teleworkers from July 01, 2023.

New Administrative Principles Transfer Pricing 2023

The BMF published its revised Administrative Principles Transfer Pricing 2023 (VG VP 2023) on June 6, 2023.

India - Increase of withholding tax

In fiscal year 2023/2024 (01/04/2023 - 31/03/2024), India will increase the domestic withholding tax rate on remuneration for technical services and royalties from 10% to 20% plus Surcharge and Health Education Cess.

Facts and figures on the bureaucracy monster

VDMA is campaigning for less bureaucracy in work assignments in Europe. An overview of the facts and figures shows that there is still a long way to go before the Internal Market runs smoothly.

Our expert and focus topics

Our expert and focus topics
Posting of Employees
The deployment of employees abroad is part of the daily business for many companies, but nevertheless regularly triggers many questions in the area of labor, tax, social security and immigration law.
Permanent Establishment Taxation
The permanent establishment is a tax fiction that can quickly become complex in its handling. Despite the fact that it is not legally independent, it triggers registration and tax declaration obligations in the source country, for example.
German tax law
Information on different fields of German taxation.
Wage Tax
German wage tax is one of the most relevant taxes for Corporations operating in Germany. This site shall give guidance in handling this field of taxes.
International Taxation
As a special field of tax law, international tax law deals with the problems of cross-border situations that are relevant for the taxation of individuals, partnerships and corporations.
Transfer pricing
The implementation of regulatory requirements on transfer pricing will be one of the major future challenges for companies. The digitalization of data is playing an increasingly central role, as is the networking of tax administrations.
Work assignments in Europe
Regarding work assignments in Europe, three completely different topics - "reporting requirements", "social law: A1 certificate" and "labor law: posting of workers directive" - are increasingly moving into the spotlight.
Research Funding
In order to support long-term and future-oriented research and development, innovative projects are granted financial backing. In addition to collaborative and joint research, companies may also benefit from tax-based research funding.
The United States
The USA remains a key market for the German engineering sector. It is our biggest export market and investment location outside Europe. Local standards, complex tax laws and legal liability are just some of the challenges that new market entrants often have to deal with.
Plant Engineering
Mechanical and plant engineering companies from all over Europe are involved in the VDMA. Mechanical engineering is a familiar term to many, but what characterizes plant engineering?
Home Office
For many employees, working in a home office is a completely new situation that has caught them very unprepared due to the pandemic. This raises a host of practical and legal issues.

Level 1 Themenwolke

To the point

To the point

Auf den Punkt Zitat Tax Department

"Extending the declining balance depreciation until 2028 and increasing the rate from 20 percent to 25 percent has long been in line with the VDMA's demands. The best thing would be to remove the time limit entirely!"

Dr. Johannes Gernandt, Head of the Tax Department of VDMA

Auf den Punkt Zahl Taxes


hours are required for companies

of medium size to calculate their tax liability, prepare tax returns and pay taxes in Germany as a minimum.

Source: PWC-Studie Bürokratiekosten der Steuererklärung

Auf den Punkt Zusammenfassung Steuern

Degressive depreciation is the better alternative
Promoting investment in climate protection and digitization is the right thing to do. But an investment premium on specific goods is not appropriate:
  • Limiting it to certain goods is not open to technology and could even reduce innovations.
  • There are already various other environmental policy instruments that are used to steer investments.
  • Restricting them would unnecessarily complicate tax law.



Thu. 20.02.25 Thu. 20.02.25


  • Labour Law
  • Posting of Workers
  • International Tax Law



Tue. 18.03.25 Tue. 18.03.25


  • Bavaria

In our spring roundtable, our tax experts present important innovations in a clear and practical way.

Places available

Thu. 20.03.25 Thu. 20.03.25


  • Baden-Wuerttemberg

In our spring roundtable, our tax experts present important innovations in a clear and practical way.

Places available

Fri. 28.03.25 Fri. 28.03.25


  • Tax Policy
  • Research, Innovation & Technology
  • Research Funding

Take advantage of our online introduction and Q&A session.

Places available

Wed. 02.04.25 Wed. 02.04.25


  • East

From VAT to tax audits: In the spring round table, you will learn everything new about tax topics relevant to mechanical engineering. In addition, the VDMA experts will answer your company-specific questions.

Places available

Our services

Our services
Committees of the Tax Department
Within our working groups, you will have the opportunity to exchange experiences with other companies on a wide range of topics and to actively participate in shaping major issues relating to taxation.
Newsletter following our specialist topics
Our topic-based newsletters contain valuable information on the latest developments and the most important decisions in the field of tax law.


Tax Database: Taxation of plant construction projects
The taxation of plant construction projects abroad is hardly a walk in the park. These country-specific resources provide an overview of the relevant tax framework.


Tax Database: Taxation of technical services
The taxation of maintenance, repairs, etc. performed abroad is becoming increasingly challenging. With this country-specific information, additional tax burdens can be avoided in advance.
Overview: Double taxation agreements
In addition to the permanent establishment period, the country overview contains information on the 183-day rule, which, among other things, governs the tax exemption for wages in Germany.
Events of the Taxes Department
The tax department offers seminars and events for member companies on current topics and tax issues, also in cooperation with the Mechanical Engineering Institute (MBI).


Guide Tax Compliance Management Systems
Together with company representatives, the VDMA has created a signpost which contains practical implementation examples for the implementation of a Tax Compliance Management System.



Ihr Kontakt


Benefits for you as a member

Largest industry network in Europe

3,600 primarily medium-sized member companies in the capital goods industry make the VDMA the largest industrial association in Europe and the most important network organization in the industry.

Strong representation of interests

The VDMA is the most important voice of the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry. It represents the common economic, technical and scientific interests of the industry in Germany and around the world.

A wide range of services

More than 500 VDMA employees worldwide support you with practical services to make the right decisions in your company - along the entire value chain.