The EU-Commission has announced in its work program that it will withdraw its proposal for a Directive on AI liability. This is welcomed by VDMA.
On February 4, 2025, the EU Commission published guidelines to provide an overview of the AI systems that have been banned in the EU since this February.
Pay slips may only be provided online
The monthly legal update for the mechanical engineering industry - exclusively for member companies
The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSJ) has commissioned a special study on the issue of father-friendliness in mechanical and plant engineering as part of the "Success Factor Family" corporate program.
Assistance from the VDMA legal department on dismissals for operational reasons
On January 30, 2025, the Bundestag passed amendments to maternity protection in the event of miscarriages (printed matter 20/14231). The changes will come into force on June 1, 2025.
In the event of an increasing lack of orders and a lack of capacity utilization, the instrument of short-time work combined with short-time work compensation is an option for companies and employees.
The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) has ruled that a third-party loan can be classified as a subordinated shareholder loan, even if the general partner GmbH does not hold a share in the capital of the GmbH & Co. KG receiving the loan.
By denying a trade union the right of digital access to the company, the BAG sets limits to the institutional freedom of association.
Your opinion is needed: How do public procurement rules work in Europe?
The ECJ has denied protected access for economic operators from third countries that are not part of the GPA or a similar agreement.
The Mannheim Regional Court has issued the first decision of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) regarding FRAND (Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory) (UPC, Local Chamber Mannheim, judgment of 22.11.2024, UPC_CFI_210/2023 - Panasonic/OPPO).
Suppliers beware. According to the ECJ, a (quasi-)manufacturer is not only someone who produces a product, but also someone who sells it under the same name and logo as the manufacturer.
Although defense and security will be the main topics, other issues such as European competitiveness will also determine the Polish agenda.
Two judgments published at the end of 2024 could contribute to more cases being heard before the Unified Patent Court (UPC) in future.
On January 1, 2025 and over the course of the next year, a number of changes will be made to the labor market.
On December 18, 2024, the Federal Cabinet decided to extend the period of entitlement to short-time working allowance.
The current annual report of the Legal Department has been published. Member companies can download it here.
US Department of Justice publishes criteria for evaluating compliance programs.
The VDMA remains committed to reforming the German law on general terms and conditions. A reform of the GTC must also be the goal of legislative activities in the 2025 legislative period.
The postponement of the date of application of the Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) by one year to 30.12.2025 came into force on 22.12.2024. No other substantive changes were decided.
From June 2025, new accessibility requirements will be imposed on products and services in accordance with the German Accessibility Strengthening Act. But is the law also relevant for mechanical and plant engineering?
The results of the VDMA-survey clearly show that there are still a lot of legal uncertainties regarding the implementation of the Data Act.
Competitiveness, growth and a long-term supply of labor and skilled workers require adaptability, a flexible labor market and a future-proof social security system.
The Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA) has prepared an application paper on the provisions of the Artificial Intelligence Regulation (AI Regulation) that are relevant for employers.
NORDMETALL and the Bavarian Metal and Electrical Industry Association (vbm) reached a pilot agreement with the IG Metall districts on the coast and Bavaria on November 12, 2024.
The new EU Product Liability Directive was published in the EU Official Journal on 18.11.2024, enters into force on the twentieth day after its publication and must be transposed into national law by 09.12.2026.
A business service is fully liable for incorrect information about companies generated by AI if an error-prone system is deliberately used and responsibility for the content is assumed.
VDMA and ZVEI present the current reform proposal for discussion as part of the "Frankfurt Initiative for the Further Development of the Law on General Terms and Conditions".
The OECD Business Group Anti-Corruption Committee (BIAC) is looking for examples of AI-driven anti-corruption efforts in business practice. If you are interested, you can submit your company example by November 20, 2024.
The decision of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) of May 7, 2024 (case reference: X ZR 104/22) deals with the question of how to calculate damages for patent infringements committed in patent-free foreign countries.
Current VDMA survey: Only 30 percent of the companies surveyed are bound by collective agreements. Companies not bound by collective agreements see too little scope for company solutions and a lack of flexibility in collective agreements.
Representatives of VDMA met with Commission officials from DG GROW, CONNECT and JUST to discuss reducing bureaucracy for SMEs, late payments, the EU Data Act and liability.
Obligation to submit the LkSG report for the 2023 financial year is again extended to 31.12.2025 by the government draft of the CSRD Implementation Act in order to avoid double reporting obligations for companies under the LkSG and CSRD.
Companies have the opportunity to participate in a BMAS dialog series on fair supply chains. The kick-off event will take place on November 11, 2024 in Berlin.
Shortening of retention periods for accounting documents.
The question of whether copyright-protected works may be used for AI training purposes is becoming increasingly important. The Hamburg Regional Court has now issued its first ruling on the use of images by an AI provider.
The ECJ has ruled in a preliminary ruling procedure on the conflict between the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and commercial law, restricting shareholders' right to information.
On September 26, 2024, the Bundestag passed the Fourth Act to Reduce Bureaucracy for Citizens, Business and the Administration (Fourth Bureaucracy Reduction Act, BEG IV) at its second and third readings.
Together with other business and employers' associations, the VDMA has sent a letter to Federal Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil in which they make it clear that they reject political intervention in the setting of the minimum wage.
The Responsible Ownership Foundation's initiative to create a new form of limited liability company with tied assets, which was already reported on here in 2021, recently presented its plans at an event in the Bundestag.
A shortening of the limitation period in general terms and conditions is ineffective when covering claims for intentional breach of contract, decides the Higher Regional Court of Munich
The Commission has published the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the EU Data Act to help companies implement the Data Act.
On November 14, 2024, the VDMA and the Corporate Learning Community are organizing a BarCamp on the topic of "Artificial Intelligence in the World of Work" in Frankfurt am Main.
In a decision, the Federal Court of Justice provides more detailed information on commercial notification of defects in accordance with Section 377 of the German Commercial Code (HGB).
According to the Federal Patent Court (BPatG), the interest in legal protection for a subsequent grant of a patent is based on the inventor's personality right.
The new European Parliament is in place. This is a good opportunity to actively draw the attention of the new Members of the European Parliament to the bureaucracy surrounding the posting of workers.
The VDMA is conducting a survey among its member companies on the state of implementation of the EU Data Act.
Poland is the last EU member state to transpose Directive EU 2019/1937 (Whistleblower Directive) into national law.
Important questions on this topic
What needs to be considered under the new EU data act?
What options does short-time work offer in the event of a temporary lack of orders?
New product liability directive - What's in store for the mechanical engineering industry?
Renewed deadline extension - When will LkSG reports be reviewed by BAFA?