Expertenthemenbeschreibung Statistikdatenbank

Statistics database

All facts & figures on mechanical and plant engineering


The VDMA statistics database offers all VDMA member companies fast and convenient access to economic information on all aspects of mechanical engineering. The use of the VDMA Order Intake and Sales Statistics Germany is exclusively reserved for those companies that participate in the survey.




Welcome to the VDMA statistics database

Welcome to the VDMA statistics database

Titel der Empfehlung: Statistikdatenbank

  • Price Statistics
The VDMA economists regularly evaluate relevant price indices for the mechanical engineering sector down to the individual goods level. On the one hand, the indices reflect the development of prices at machinery manufacturers, but they also provide a good orientation for the cost development of important intermediate products such as metals and metal products, but also plastics and electronic components.

Tutorials on the VDMA statistics database

From our content

From our content
Price development as an interactive report

Although the situation in supply chains has eased, prices remain an important issue. To get an overview of current developments, it is worth taking a look at the interactive report.

Production development interactive

Production development is a key indicator in economic analysis. It shows the current performance of an industry. Forecasts are also often made with regard to production. VDMA economists therefore always keep a close eye on this indicator.

Information on foreign trade in machinery

Here you can find information about the modules "Foreign trade in machinery (annual values)" and "German, EU27 and UK foreign trade in machinery (monthly values)" of the VDMA statistics database.

Official Industry and Commodity Classifications

How are official statistics structured? Can comments to the headings be found?

Update: Interactive Macro Facts Report

Get an overview of the most important macroeconomic data for all countries in the world - including forecasts from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and information on the business environment.

Parameters of foreign subsidiaries

We have updated our interactive report on foreign affiliates.

Process Engineering: Incoming orders & sales December 2024

Despite strong international business in December - the year 2024 closes with a minus, as feared

201 registrations of fire fighting vehicles in January

In January 2025, 201 new fire fighting vehicles were registered in Germany.

Growth in orders from abroad and foreign sales

For the third time in a row, foreign orders in the mechanical engineering sector in Hesse have increased. In November it was even a double-digit plus of 17 percent.

Process engineering: Price indices - monthly update

With a monthly update, which is exclusively available for download to VDMA member companies, we inform you about the development of price indices for process engineering goods.

Difficult year comes to a positive end

In December 2024, incoming orders in the mechanical and plant engineering sector in North Rhine-Westphalia were 10% higher than in the previous year.

First ray of hope for sales

Domestic orders for mechanical engineering companies in Saarland have been falling since January 2024 and fell by a further 13.7% in November, resulting in a decline of 11.3% for the first eleven months of 2024 (see table 1 and chart).

No land in sight yet

In November, incoming orders for mechanical engineering in Rhineland-Palatinate fell for the fourth month in a row, with double-digit declines of 21.2% in Germany and 17.9% abroad. This means that the declines are again sharper than in the previous month.

Process Engineering: Incoming orders & sales November 2024

Stagnation at a low level: The September phenomenon did not bring the hoped-for turnaround.

Double-digit declines in incoming orders and sales

In October, incoming orders for the mechanical engineering sector in Rhineland-Palatinate fell by 10.6% in Germany and 15.2% abroad for the third month in a row.

Facts and figures: Education and workforce in mechanical engineering

In our theme publications, you will find facts, figures and data related to vocational training, engineering courses, skilled workers, mechanical engineers and women in machinery and equipment manufacturing.

Please participate - VDMA Economic Survey

The VDMA economic survey for the 4th quarter of 2024 has been sent out a few days ago and will run until January 17th. The results will be available to all participating companies at the end of January.

317 registrations of fire fighting vehicles in December 2024

In December 2024, 317 new fire fighting vehicles were registered in Germany.

Growth in incoming orders and turnover

Foreign orders in the mechanical engineering sector in Hesse rose by a further 2.1% in October following 7.8% in the previous month. This was the fifth increase so far in 2024.

Order situation remains difficult

In November 2024, incoming orders in the mechanical and plant engineering sector in North Rhine-Westphalia were 6% down on the previous year.

First growth in September

In September, foreign orders in the mechanical engineering sector in Hesse finally rose again by 7.8%. This was the fourth increase so far in 2024.

USA: Key figures by state and sector

The U.S. Census Bureau has published new figures from the industry statistics by region. They provide information on turnover, value added and the number of employees, among other things. We present this data clearly in an interactive report.

Lower declines than in the previous month

In September, incoming orders for mechanical engineering in Rhineland-Palatinate fell by 17% in Germany and 22% abroad for the second month in a row.

To the point

To the point

Auf den Punkt Zitat Statistics Database

"In our Statistical Handbook, you will find a compact summary of all the relevant information relating to mechanical engineering."

Florian Scholl, VDMA

Auf den Punkt Zahl Statistikdatenbank



was the capacity utilization in the mechanical engineering sector in July 2024

Source: ifo Institute

Auf den Punkt Zusammenfassung Statistikdatenbank

Performance Overview VDMA Economics and Statistics
  • All contacts listed by topic
  • TSelected publications compiled compactly
  • Further links to technical articles, data sheets, surveys and to the statistics database

Asset Publisher

Documents & Downloads

More expert and focus topics

More expert and focus topics
Mechanical and plant engineering figures and charts
The statistically recordable world of mechanical and plant engineering - newly presented in interactive charts and tables. Find out about all the key economic figures for the industry and, in particular detail, about the development of the EU Single Market.
Benchmarking is an instrument of controlling and corporate management for the analysis of processes, corporate success and developments.
Finance & Controlling
Globalization, digital transformation and the associated dynamics have substantial effects on Finance and Controlling. To ensure that the sector can continue to set the pace for value-added innovation in the future, new processes and competencies are required that enable secure, data-driven decisions based on resilient analyses and real-time forecasts.
Securing skilled workers
Almost 60 percent of employees in the mechanical and plant engineering sector are skilled workers. Alongside engineers, they shape the role of mechanical and plant engineering as a decisive enabler for green technologies.
Global markets
The world is changing fast - what was good practice yesterday may not be good practice tomorrow. The VDMA helps its members to keep track of the latest developments in global markets, customs, export financing, export controls and trade policy.

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Your contact