Header-Märkte und Konjunktur

Markets & Economy
How is mechanical engineering developing in the age of global value chains? Where do your competitors come from? What support is available for market development? What regulations must be observed when exporting? What needs to be considered when deploying employees and regarding visas for foreign guests? Together we will find answers to your questions.

Themenfeldgrafik Märkte und Konjuktur

Empfehlung Bundestagswahl Märkte

Federal Election 2025TIPP
The mechanical engineering sector is calling for a reform of export financing and export credit insurance to strengthen competitiveness and promote a level playing field.

From our content

From our content
We guide you through the data jungle

The Economics and Statistics department provides you with all industry-relevant economic and market information. Benefit from our expertise and use our statistics as a basis for smart business decisions.

Successful abroad - Export topics

VDMA Foreign Trade supports you and your export business. We prepare topics relevant to mechanical engineering for you: up-to-date and easy to understand.

Analysis, assessments and options for action for business with China

China has developed rapidly and, as a result, undergone considerable change. This has an impact on the economic and political environment to which the machinery and plant engineering industry cannot close its eyes.

Posting to Italy - Everything you need to know!

Practical tips on reporting obligations for work assignments in Italy and on the construction site driver's license introduced in October 2024. Online event in cooperation with the German-Italian Chamber of Commerce on March 27, 2025.

High costs and bureaucracy hamper competitiveness

EU machinery and equipment manufacturing companies currently rate their competitive position as worse than the long-term average. This is particularly true to companies based in Germany.

Partner country Canada

The partner country of Hannover Messe 2025 is Canada: The country is attractive for the European mechanical and plant engineering industry and offers significant growth potential.

Economic report USA

The VDMA has published its first quarterly economic report for the US market for plant and machinery.

Hermes cover to better promote the supplier industry

The Hermes package of measures from January 2025 is also intended to offer the supplier industry more opportunities on the export markets. The VDMA explains what is important.

New: Hermes-covered forfaiting is made easier

The Hermes package of measures from January 2025 improves the forfaiting guarantee.

Access to Hermes Cover is made easier

The Hermes package of measures from January 2025 offers applicants a German Footprint concept if they do not only export German value added.

Only slight job cuts despite recession

The mechanical engineering sector is feeling the effects of the recession - yet companies only reduced their workforce by just under 1% in 2024. Even now, the core workforce is to be retained as much as possible.

Investment USA - Acquisition or Greenfield?

Many VDMA members are considering investing in the US market for the first time or deepening existing investments. We invite you to an interactive conference in presence on March 25, 2025.

Experience the VDMA up close at the Hannover Messe!

The expertise of the VDMA extends far beyond the main topics of the Hannover Messe. Meet VDMA experts on various topics in Hanover.

Pure magic - Water trade fairs 2025

On the initiative of the VDMA Forum Process Technology, several water trade fairs have once again made it into the German government's foreign trade fair program in 2025. The destinations are not just in the east and the west.

Foreign Trade Update: Foreign trade at a glance

English newsletter service of the Foreign Trade Department for VDMA members: The most important information at a glance. Subscribe now!

China imposes additional customs duties on US goods

The Chinese government has taken countermeasures in response to the US government's announcement that it will impose an additional 10 percent tariff on all imports from China.

Salary benchmark Czech Republic 2025

The study compares the salary structures of 80 key positions in manufacturing and business-related services across the Czech Republic and its regions.

Positive financial statements cannot up the weak annual balance sheet

The overall result for orders in 2024 in the mechanical and plant engineering sector is disappointing. The wait for a turnaround continues. Better framework conditions in Germany are an important aspect of this.

Bulletin international

Given the overall economic environment, which is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, the production and demand for capital goods continue to be weak.

"Tariffs within North America will also hurt European companies."

The US tariffs for Canada and Mexico also affect the mechanical engineering industry - and its American customers. Quick negotiations are needed to get the tariffs off the table.

New orders in the mechanical engineering sector in Japan in November 2024

Machinery new orders revised upwards for the first time in 8 months, supported by investment in decarbonization and AI

"Courageous reform - now the banks have to follow through"

The German government wants to boldly reform export promotion. SMEs in particular can benefit from this - if the banks go along with it.

Sentiment and situation in machinery industry stay tense

The mood in the mechanical engineering sector remains tense, with one in three companies rating their own situation as poor. Business prospects are a small ray of hope - but reforms are urgently needed.

Structural reforms instead of crisis mode: Setting the course now

Less bureaucracy, a maximum tax rate of 25% and an efficient infrastructure are essential to ensure competitiveness. Germany will only remain a strong industrial location through bold reforms.

Finally, clarity for assembly work in Switzerland

Registration procedures, procedure for work up to 90 days and wage calculation: VDMA info sheet provides practical tips for optimal planning of work assignments in Switzerland.

The U.S. Finalizes Bans on Certain Connected Vehicles

The U.S. Department of Commerce issued the final rules that prohibit the sale or import of vehicles equipped with hardware or software associated with Chinese or Russian-controlled entities.

"A wake-up call for a united Europe!"

Donald Trump's economic program could be a test of strength for Europe. This makes it all the more important that the EU now acts as one, especially on trade issues.

Parameters of foreign subsidiaries

We have updated our interactive report on foreign affiliates.

Pure entertainment - trade fair year 2025 for oil, gas and petrochemicals

The trade fair year 2025 calls solution providers from the oil, gas and petrochemical industries to Baku, Tashkent, Milan and Abu Dhabi, among others. The program will be completed by privatly organised stands in Cairo and Beijing.

German machinery foreign trade: Another setback before the end of the year

Exports by German mechanical engineering companies fell by a nominal 5.6% to EUR 182.9 billion in the first eleven months of 2024.

Facts and figures: Education and workforce in mechanical engineering

In our theme publications, you will find facts, figures and data related to vocational training, engineering courses, skilled workers, mechanical engineers and women in machinery and equipment manufacturing.

Apprenticeship at a glance

How many apprenticeship positions are currently available? How many applicants are there? How have supply and demand for the most important professions developed in recent years? Get all the information at a glance here.

Activities on foreign trade in Brussels and Berlin 2024

Overview of the VDMA's foreign trade policy activities in 2024 - a review of the year

EU reporting obligations - How to implement them in your company?

The implementation of reporting obligations for work assignments in Europe is a major challenge for many VDMA member companies.

Difficult autumn

A small ray of hope in orders from eurozone countries in November does not change the overall weather situation: orders in the mechanical engineering sector are not gaining momentum.

Free trade instead of trade barriers

The USA is an important market for the German mechanical engineering industry. Despite protectionist tendencies, the dynamic remains positive; with the potential of headwinds. The VDMA calls for close EU-US relations and rejects tariffs.

EU-Switzerland agreement stands on shaky ground

At the end of 2024, Switzerland and the EU managed to redefine their relations. It is questionable whether the necessary referendum in Switzerland will accept the rules.

Hannover Messe 2025 - Free tickets

Are you planning a visit to the Hannover Messe? The VDMA is offering you exclusive free tickets for your visit.

Courage to ensure freedom! - Germany needs real reforms

2025 is the year in which Germany must set the course for growth and competitiveness. It needs more courage to ensure freedom and rapid political reforms.

Stress factors remain unchanged in 2025

Despite falling interest rates worldwide, a broad-based upturn is not in sight. Military conflicts and de-globalization continue to weigh on business in many specialist areas of mechanical engineering.

Persistent weakness in demand characterizes 2024

In the first nine months of 2024, price-adjusted production in the EU machinery and equipment manufacturing industry shrank by 7 percent year-on-year.

Hannover provides support in the search for trade fair accommodation

Deutsche Messe AG provides active support in making travel arrangements and booking accommodation for trade fairs in Hanover. The various offers are bundled at get2fairs.com.

Business is Great!

The VDMA Dubai meeting was characterized by a positive mood - driven by current business as well as business expectations. Nevertheless, there are challenges.

Upswing postponed

Global machinery turnover is expected to rise by 1 percent in real terms in 2025. The forecast uncertainty is high in view of intensifying trade conflicts.

Flash survey USA: VDMA members plan to expand US business

VDMA member companies see the US market as an opportunity and are cautiously optimistic about the coming years. Many are building on good or even very good competitiveness, but this must be defended.

USA: Key figures by state and sector

The U.S. Census Bureau has published new figures from the industry statistics by region. They provide information on turnover, value added and the number of employees, among other things. We present this data clearly in an interactive report.

Postponement of the EU deforestation regulation

The EU Commission agrees to postpone the Deforestation Regulation by one year following massive criticism.

Combined Nomenclature 2025 published

The EU Commission has published the Combined Nomenclature (commodity codes) for the year 2025. There are only a few changes for mechanical engineering.

"An end to overregulation and far too high cost burdens"

Heavy seas and no calm in sight: the mechanical engineering industry expects a decline in production and a slight reduction in jobs in 2025. A political turnaround is needed to strengthen the industry.

"Free Trade Agreement has to clear last hurdle"

The EU-Mercosur agreement must now become a reality as quickly as possible. It is an important signal against isolationism and must not be called into question again in the EU Council of Ministers and the European Parliament.

VDMA Magazin Teaser Märkte und Konjunktur

India: Hungry for more
For years, India has been dreaming of becoming a world-class economy. Thanks to targeted reforms, the trend towards de-risking and the associated reorganization of global supply chains, this dream could soon become a reality.

Our expert and focus topics

Our expert and focus topics
Mechanical and plant engineering figures and charts
The statistically recordable world of mechanical and plant engineering - newly presented in interactive charts and tables. Find out about all the key economic figures for the industry and, in particular detail, about the development of the EU Single Market.
Economic Development & Business Situation
The economic cycle plays a significant role in almost every area of the economy. After all, it plays a key role in determining the well-being of companies and employees. In fact, it is particularly relevant in the mechanical engineering sector. After all, it plays a key role in determining the well-being of companies and employees in the mechanical engineering sector.
Statistics database
The VDMA statistics database offers all VDMA member companies fast and convenient access to economic information on all aspects of mechanical engineering. The use of the VDMA Order Intake and Sales Statistics Germany is exclusively reserved for those companies that participate in the survey.
Global markets
The world is changing fast - what was good practice yesterday may not be good practice tomorrow. The VDMA helps its members to keep track of the latest developments in global markets, customs, export financing, export controls and trade policy.
Work assignments in Europe
Regarding work assignments in Europe, three completely different topics - "reporting requirements", "social law: A1 certificate" and "labor law: posting of workers directive" - are increasingly moving into the spotlight.
The United States
The USA remains a key market for the German engineering sector. It is our biggest export market and investment location outside Europe. Local standards, complex tax laws and legal liability are just some of the challenges that new market entrants often have to deal with.
Europe and China
The perception of China in Germany and Europe has changed in recent years. Firstly, China is an important economic partner and also of significant importance for the German mechanical engineering sector. On the other hand, there is growing recognition at economic and political level in Germany and the European Union (EU) that the existing imbalance with China, for example in market access, is no longer acceptable.
International Business Travel
Globalization necessitates travel throughout the life cycle of a machine: Sales, commissioning, assembly and maintenance. For corporate travel management, this poses an organizational challenge: Do I need a visa, and if so, which type? Which documentation is required? Which regulations apply when posting workers within the EU?

Level 1 Themenwolke


To the point

To the point

Auf den Punkt Zitat Markets and Economy

“We finally need a clear and reliable economic policy that gives companies trust and freedom and provides them with the flexibility to successfully compete in the international arena.”

Bertram Kawlath, VDMA Chief Präsident

Auf den Punkt Zahl Markets and Economy


million euros

is the maximum order value for a forfaiting guarantee. This is additional cover to the supplier credit cover. The exporter must apply for cover for both types of cover.

Source: VDMA

Auf den Punkt Zusammenfassung Märkte und Konjunktur

Welcome to the VDMA statistics database
  • The VDMA incoming orders and turnover statistics for Germany are exclusively available to you when you participate
  • The foreign trade statistics provide you with information on the flow of goods by sector and commodity code
  • Leading economic indicators provide information on how the economic situation will develop in the future



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  • Europe

#VDMASummit - 2nd VDMA European Summit

Bright ideas for innovation, digital transformation and attracting talents

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Aus unseren Inhalten

Our services

Our services
VDMA Trade Fair Calendar 2025
With the trade fair calendar, we have been offering our members an orientation guide to the global range of trade fairs relevant to mechanical engineering worldwide for many years.
Mechanical and plant engineering figures and charts 2024
Mechanical and plant engineering figures and charts provides a comprehensive overview of all major figures and statistics relating to the mechanical engineering industry.


Economic bulletin international
Our monthly bulletin provides periodic updates on economic trends in the international mechanical engineering sector.


Germany Economic Bulletin
Data on the economic situation of the German mechanical and plant engineering industry in the current economic context


VDMA flash survey
Machine and plant manufacturers are looking ahead to the year 2024 with a subdued mood. A reluctance to invest and hire new staff is noticeable due to the high level of uncertainty. The order backlog is melting for many.


Germany Incoming orders
The monthly figures for incoming orders in the German mechanical engineering industry
Database of technical regulations
The VDMA Specifications reflect the technical specifications of the German mechanical engineering industry. The directory contains all VDMA Specifications that are currently valid and in preparation.
VDMA Foreign offices
Here you will find links and further information on the VDMA liaison offices located in particularly important foreign markets



Asset Publisher

VDMA partners

Institut für Weltwirtschaft Kiel
German Economic Institute
Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung
gtai - Germany Trade & Invest

Ihr Kontakt


Benefits for you as a member

Largest industry network in Europe

3,600 primarily medium-sized member companies in the capital goods industry make the VDMA the largest industrial association in Europe and the most important network organization in the industry.

Strong representation of interests

The VDMA is the most important voice of the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry. It represents the common economic, technical and scientific interests of the industry in Germany and around the world.

A wide range of services

More than 500 VDMA employees worldwide support you with practical services to make the right decisions in your company - along the entire value chain.